SBBD | Veja os eventos anteriores a 2014
Aqui fizemos uma compilação dos eventos anteriores com as informações que conseguimos. Se você organizou ou participou de algum SBBD e tem algum material para colaborar com nosso site, envie um email para com as informações. Agradecemos a sua contribuição.
Quitandinha – Petrópolis – Rio de Janeiro
13 a 16 de outubro de 2015
Local Chair: Vanessa Braganholo (UFF)
SBBD Proceedings return
.First edition of the Context of Thesis and Dissertations in Databases, coordinated by prof. José M. M. de Oliveira (UFRGS)
Curitiba | Centro de Convenções do Hotel Pestana
06 a 09 de outubro
Local Chair: Mirella M. Moro (UFMG)
.Early release of the articles competing for the JMC Award
.Panel on Education in Databases, coordinated by prof. José M. M. de Oliveira (UFRGS)
.Published edition in partnership with SBSC
Recife – Pernambuco | Golden Tulip Recife Palace
30/09 a 03/10
Local Chair: Cristina Ciferri (USP)
.Implementation of Minute Madness, a one-minute presentation for accepted papers as Demos and as Short Paper
.Submissions of videos for demonstrations are included
.SBBD Steering Committee members have the period of their terms changed: 2 years for senior members; 3 years for the JIDM editor; and 4 years for the other members.
São Paulo – SP | Frei Caneca Shopping & Convention Center
15 a 18 de outubro
Local Chair: Marco A. Casanova (PUC Rio)
Organization Coordinator: João Eduardo Ferreira (USP)
Florianópolis – SC
03 a 06 de outubro
Local Chair: José Palazzo M. De Oliveira (UFRGS)
Organization Coordinator: Carina Dorneles (UFSC)
Belo Horizonte – MG
05 a 08 de outubro
Local Chair: Wagner Meira Jr. (UFMG)
Organization Coordinator: Mirella M. Moro (UFMG)
.The track format was modified in order to fall into four additional sessions: Core Database Foundations and Technology (Carlos A. Heuser – UFRGS), Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Caetano Traina – USP-SC), Knowledge Modeling and Management (Ana Carolina Salgado – UFPE), Management of Data and Information (Edleno Moura – UFAM)
.SBBD 25th anniversary celebration pays tribute to Rubens Melo (1st event coordinator and program committee) and Caetano Traina Jr (SBBD 25th Anniversary Highlights)
.Accepted papers are published in the October issue of JIDM (Journal of Information and Data Management)
The program includes full articles only in English
.Published edition in partnership among WebMedia, IHC and SBSC
Fortaleza – CE
05 a 09 de outubro
Local Chair: Angelo R. A. Brayner (UNIFOR)
Organization Coordinator: Bernardette Farias Loscio (UFC)
.SBBD is held in partnership with WebMedia, IHC and SBSC, and for the last time with SBES
.The best articles are published in the 2nd edition of JIDM – Journal of Information and Data Management, a publication of the SBC Special Database Commission
Campinas – SP
13 a 15 de outubro
Local Chair: Sandra de Amo (UFU)
Organization Coordinator: Ricardo Torres (UNICAMP)
.The Call for articles included two lines: research, and applications and experiences
.Top articles to be published in Information Systems (Elsevier), published in partnership with SBES
.Annals are published by the IEEE, through its Conference Publishing Services, with the articles available on IEEE digital libraries (IEEE Xplore, IEEE IEL, CSDL)
.SBBD annals are available on ACM digital library. Previously, they were published in ACM SIGMOD DiSC, which no longer exists
João Pessoa – PB
15 a 19 de outubro
Local Chair: Altigran S da Silva (UFAM)
Organization Valéria Soares (UFPB)
Record number of articles in English included in the program (19/24)
The best articles are published in Information Systems (Elsevier)
First edition of the Poster Session, coordinated by Renata Galante
First edition of Women in Databases
Florianópolis – SC
16 a 20 de outubro
Local Chair: Mário Nascimento (Univ. of Alberta)
Organization Coordinator: Ronaldo dos Santos Mello (UFSC)
.CP coordinated for the first time by a researcher from a foreign institution (Mário Nascimento)
.The best articles are published in the Journal of Systems and Software special issue, in partnership with SBES.
Uberlândia – MG
03 a 07 de outubro
Local Chair: Carlos A Heuser (UFRGS)
Organization Coordinator: Sandra de Amo (UFU)
.The best articles are published in Data & Knowledge Engineering special issue
Brasília – DF
18 a 20 de outubro
Local Chair: Sérgio Lifschtiz (PUC-Rio)
Organization Coordinator: Murilo S. de Camargo (UNB)
.Demos session takes place for the first time, coordinated by Carina Dorneles and Eduardo Kroth
.Tribute paid to Professor Antonio Furtado
Manaus – Amazonas
06 a 08 de outubro
Local Chair: Alberto H F Laender (UFMG)
Organization Coordinator: Altigran S. Silva (UFAM)
.CP expands with strong internationalization
.Record number of submissions (112)
.Articles are indexed by DBLP and BDBComp
Gramado – RS
14 a 16 de outubro
Local Chair: Ana Carolina Salgado (UFPE)
Organization Coordinator: Nina Edelweiss (URGS)
.Support from VLDB Endowment and ACM SIGMOD
.First edition of the Thesis and Dissertations Workshop on Databases (WTDBD)
Rio de Janeiro – RJ
01 a 03 de outubro
Local Chair: Marta Mattoso (COPPE / UFRJ)
Organization Coordinator: Geraldo Xexéo (COPPE / UFRJ)
Tutorials committee is established, headed by Ana Carolina Salgado (UFPE) and formed by Berthier Ribeiro-Neto(UFMG), Carlos Heuser (UFRGS), Cláudia Bauzer Medeiros (UNICAMP), Marcus Sampaio (UFPB), Marina Pires Vieira (UFSCar) and Karin Ribeiro-Neto Becker (PUC-RS), Marta Mattoso (UFRJ), Sérgio Lifschitz (PUC-Rio) and Vânia Vidal (UFC)
The best articles are published in JBCS, edition published in partnership with SBES
João Pessoa – PB
02 a 04 de outubro
Local Chair: Karin Becker (PUC-RS)
Organization Coordinator: Damires Yluska de Souza Fernandes (IFPB)
.The Steering Committee is created, formed by Karin Becker (PUC-RS), Marta L. Queirós Mattoso (COPPE / UFRJ), Cláudia Bauzer Medeiros (UNICAMP), Berthier Ribeiro-Neto (UFMG) and Vânia Vidal (UFC)
.The best article published on SIGMOD Record
.Articles Included in ACM SIGMOD Disc
Fortaleza – CE
07 a 10 de outubro
.The program includes international sessions
Rio de Janeiro – RJ
25 e 26 de agosto
.The coordination of tutorials is established (Mário Nascimento)
.José Mauro Volkmer de Castilho Award for the best article is created (Souza & Sampaio, UFPb)
.Posthumous tribute paid to José Mauro Volkmer de Castilho and Lia Goldstein Golendziner
.Best article is published on SIGMOD Record
Fortaleza – CE
07 a 10 de outubro
.First published edition in partnership with SBES
.SBBD starts to take place in October
São Carlos – SP
.First published edition in partnership with SBES
.SBBD starts to take place in October
.SBBD starts to take place in the second semester (September)
.Mini courses are organized for the first time
.CP includes the first foreign members
.CP meeting is held by teleconference
.First call of tutorials (2 guests, 2 selected)
.Project reports are included in the annals
Organizing committee:
.José Mauro V. Castilho (UFRGS) – Coordinator
.Lia Goldstein Golendznier (UFRGS)
.Carla Dal Sasse Freitas (UFRGS)
.José Palazzo M. de Oliveira (UFRGS)
Program Committee:
.José Mauro V. Castilho (UFRGS)
.Alberto Laender (UFMG)
.Anatélio Laschuk (UFRGS)
.Clésio S. dos Santos (UFRGS)
.Léo P. Magalhães (UNICAMP)
.Luciana Ferraz Thome (IME)
.Rosana Lanzelotte (UNICAMP)
.Rubens M. Melo (PUC-RJ)
.Sonia Sette (UFPE)
Call for papers includes topics in Computer Graphics
Primeira edição
PUC-Rio – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
11 e 12 de abril
Organizing committee:
.Josefino Cabral Melo Lima (PUC-RJ)
.Luciana Ferraz Thome (PUC-RJ)
.Maria Helena Braz (PUC-RJ)
.Rubens Nascimento Melo (PUC-RJ) – Coordinator
Program Committee:
.Antonio Luiz Furtado (PUC-RJ)
.José Mauro V. Castilho (PUC-RJ)
.Léo Pini Magalhães (UNICAMP)
.Rubens Nascimento Melo (PUC-RJ) – Coordenadores:
.Sonia Sette (UFPe)
Call for papers includes topics in Computer Graphics
Invited speakers:
.Marco A. Casanova (IBM Scientific Center)
.Léo Pini Magalhães (Unicamp)